Holding Back The Furies

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Guess What's Happening?

It's been a LONG time since my last post so here is a quick update.
We are finally getting the fuck out of Texas! Let's not kid ourselves, there's a lot of neat things to do out here but if you're not a white republican conservative christian male, you're fucked!
Husband is already in Oregon working and in three weeks he'll fly back we are driving out there together to start a new life adventure!

So now I'm SLOWLY working on packing up the house and getting rid of stuff.
Sell it!
Donate it!
Throw it away!

Izzy is doing AMAZING in school. She's a candidate for the magnet school out here and I'll look into something like that in Oregon.
Zoe is an amazing little handful of awesomeness and thrill seeking. Her vocabulary and understanding of everything amazes me constantly!

I've made some amazing friends out here and I will miss them terribly but I know this move is best for our family. Plus Zoe can't wait to go look for Sasquatch.
How can I deny her that?

Time to get the kid from school.
Just one more day until winter break!
Two weeks of sleeping in!

Bye for now

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