Holding Back The Furies

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Homemade Dishwasher Soap

Sorry it too me so long to post this.

I have always been loyal to Cascade but lately, even with an rinsing agent, it's been leaving my dishes covered in a white film. Even though they are clean, they're not clean. The only way I could get rid of this film was to fill the sink with a water/vinegar solution and let them soak then rub them down with a dish rag and rinse. That's a lot of work to get clean dishes! So I scoured pinterest and found several different recipes which were all pretty much the same thing. Then after a goof at the grocery store where I grabbed baking soda instead of washing soda, I ended up with a detergent that leaves my dishes sparkling clean!

I want to add that I did add Jet Dry to my rinse aid dispenser. I don't know how this will work without a rinse agent! Also, the original recipes I saw called for washing soda. If you make the same mistake I did and grab baking soda but REALLY want washing soda, don't stress! You don't need to run back to the store. Just sprinkle your baking soda onto a shallow baking pan, like a cookie sheet, and bake at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Now you have washing soda! Seriously! It's that easy!

Here's what you'll need

1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Baking Soda
1/2 Cup Kosher Salt
1/2 Cup Citric Acid (found in the canning section with all the Mason Jars)

That's it!
Just mix it all together and add to your dishwashers soap dispenser.

The critic acid will cause clumping! So just pull out you container of newly made soap and stir it up with a fork twice a day for a couple days. It will be fine!

So that's it!
Easy, right?


  1. Ok so quick update:
    This morning I opened my container and my soap was moist and very clumpy. I'm trying a few things to correct this and will post the best result. So far I've tried running the soap through my food processor then I returned it to the bowl I'm storing it in. It got clumpy again. So I ran it through the processor again and now I'm attempting to dry it in the oven. This should work, right?

  2. Ok DON'T try to dry it in the oven! It expanded and got hard and was an all around disaster! I lost half my batch. So don't do it!
